Preparation of the 2nd edition of Bragança City Council’s Sustainability Report

The Municipality of Bragança presented its first Sustainability Report in 2018, continuing its work of rigour and transparency to affirm the Municipality of Bragança as a sustainable, innovative, intelligent, creative, authentic, inclusive, participatory and therefore competitive territory with an excellent quality of life. After six years and a new Municipal Executive, the time has come

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How to transform the county of Sertã into an intelligent territory

The Municipality of Sertã is committed to improving the quality of life of its population, as well as improving the conditions for attracting and retaining more people, companies and investment. Aware of the potential and real benefits that the solutions and tools offered by ‘smart’ villages and cities can bring to help fulfil these objectives,

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Bragança, Reapplication to the UNESCO Creative Cities Network

The Municipality of Bragança has renewed its application to the UNESCO Creative Cities Network, in the Gastronomy category. This work was once again carried out with the technical support of IPI, and with the deep conviction that all the recommendations for improvement received from UNESCO were properly taken on board and reflected in the work

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IPI joins European consortium in Pathways2Resilience project

The Pathways2Resilience Programme (P2R) is a European initiative to support regions in implementing their mission to adapt to climate change. CIM Terras de Trás-os-Montes is leading a consortium that includes, in addition to IPI, the German company BABLE Smart Cities. The support offered by the P2R initiative is an excellent opportunity to continue the work

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IPI has been chosen to prepare another EUCF Investment Concept

The EUCF – European City Facility Programme is in its 6th Call and continues to support Portuguese municipalities in drawing up Investment Concepts, which aim to study innovation in the energy sector and, in particular, prepare the conditions for its implementation. The municipality of Sertã had its EUCF application approved and selected IPI to support

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IPI sees its work in Castelo Branco’s success recognized

CREATIVE CASTELO BRANCO: ANOTHER IPI VICTORY Since October 31, 2023, Castelo Branco has been a full member of UNESCO’s Creative Cities Network, in the Crafts and Folk Arts category. The preparation of the application dossier was a long and very demanding process, in which IPI worked wholeheartedly, in combination with the team assigned by the

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IPI is very pleased with the national approval of the applications of Bragança and Castelo Branco to the UNESCO Creative Cities Network

After the success of the work carried out by IPI in the applications of Idanha-a-Nova – Portugal (2015) and Praia – Cape Verde (2017), which integrated the UNESCO Creative Cities Network, in the category of Music, IPI welcomes the approval in Portugal, by the UNESCO National Commission, of the applications of Bragança (in the category

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IPI is supporting the execution of two more EUCF projects

In the context of the partnership with BABLE GmbH, IPI is supporting the execution of two more EUCF – European City Facility projects: – Pioneering Positive Energy Neighborhoods in Terra Quente (Municipality of Carrazeda de Ansiães and others). – Carbon Neutral Electricity and Heating for Municipalities of Terra Fria (Municipality of Bragança and others).

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Vila do Bispo, elaboration of Municipal Strategic Plans

IPI is once again working in the southwestern Algarve, to support the Municipality of Vila do Bispo in the elaboration of Municipal Strategic Plans. A project that includes: Action Plan of the Covenant of Mayors Revision and restructuring of the Touristic and Environmental plans Guiding document for the transformation of Vila do Bispo into a

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Bragança, Application to the UNESCO Creative Cities Network

After the successful applications of Idanha-a-Nova (Portugal) and Cidade da Praia (Cape Verde), IPI is again the consultant chosen in 2022 to develop another application for the UNESCO Creative Cities Network. At this time, supporting the Municipality of Bragança with an application in the category of Gastronomy. More information about this Network here

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Castelo Branco, Application to the UNESCO Creative Cities Network

After the successful applications of Idanha-a-Nova (Portugal) and Cidade da Praia (Cape Verde), IPI is again the chosen consultant to develop a new application to the UNESCO Creative Cities Network. In this case, supporting the Municipality of Castelo Branco with the application of its traditional embroidery, in the category of Crafts and Folk Arts. More

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EUCF European Initiative – Development of project for the Region of Guarda

IPI was the consultant chosen by the Municipality of Guarda to develop the study “Pioneering District Heating Networks in the Region of Guarda”. This project is based on an application of the Municipality of Guarda to the EUCF European Initiative (European City Facility), which involves as partners the municipalities of Almeida, Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo,

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Smart Villages, Cities and Territories – Training Actions

IPI and Bable will soon start a cycle of training actions, for local authorities, business associations and companies. Personalized training and adapted to the interests and needs of the contexts of the territories and organizations involved. Personalized training, with the participation of international experts: Portugal, France and Germany. The training includes at distance support, for

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New solutions for smarter territories

BABLE and IPI join forces to expand services from Germany to Portugal and France Detailed presentation available here BABLE, a company based in Germany and in expansion process, and IPI Consulting Network, a company based in Portugal and with offices in France, established a partnership with the aim to develop solutions to create intelligent territories

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Gastronomy and Products Related to Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro Food

The Gastronomy and Food Products of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro Valorization and Promotion Project is already underway. This project aims to safeguard and project the wealth of this region’s food culture and, ultimately, prepare an application to UNESCO’s List of Best Practices for Intangible Cultural Heritage. The initiative, which came firstly from DESTEQUE – Association

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Strategic Plan of Tourism for the Municipality of Lagos

Following the elaboration of Touristic Plans for the municipalities of Vila do Bispo and Nazaré, IPI once again embraces the challenge of planning the tourism development of a municipality, this time for Lagos. The elaboration of the Lagos Strategic Plan of Tourism will be framed in the different strategic references and settled between the different

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Nomination of the Cult to Our Lady of Nazareth to the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity

In collaboration with the Municipality of Nazareth, IPI supports the preparation of the Nomination of the Cult to Our Lady of Nazareth, namely the “Cultural and Religious Practices and Manifestations Evocative of Our Lady of Nazareth”, to the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, UNESCO ( A nomination which aims, first and foremost: i. To strengthen

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Sustainability Report of the Municipality of Vimioso

IPI was the consultant chosen by the Municipality of Vimioso to prepare its Sustainability Report. This work intends to show the achievements and the performance of the Municipality, while it identifies and make commitments for the future. Its elaboration stems from the awareness of the importance of the principles of financial balance, social responsibility and

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Sustainability Report of the Municipality of Bragança

IPI was the consultant chosen by another Portuguese municipality – Bragança – to prepare its Sustainability Report. A Sustainability Report that will show the achievements and the performance of the Municipality of Bragança, while it will identify and make commitments for the future. Its elaboration stems from the awareness of the importance of the principles

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Tourism Plan for the Municipality of Nazaré

IPI was the consultant chosen by the Municipality of Nazaré for the elaboration of its Tourism Plan. Tourism is a development vector of Nazaré of growing importance, especially following its international projection, reached with the phenomenon of big waves and the increase of the number of visitors and tourists to Nazaré. It is important that

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In 2017, three more Portuguese municipalities integrate the AVEC Network

Throughout this year, IPI supported the municipalities of “Beja”, “Freixo de Espada à Cinta” and “Macedo de Cavaleiros” in their procedures to joining AVEC Network, elaborating their successful applications. AVEC Network – Alliance of Euro-mediterranean Cultural Cities (, is a network of historical local authorities, created in 1997, whose objectives are: to make heritage an

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Sustainable Development Strategy for the Municipality of Vila do Bispo

IPI was the consultant chosen by the Municipality of Vila do Bispo for the elaboration of a Sustainable Development Strategy, which integrates a Sustainability Report, a Tourism Plan, an Environment Plan, as well as the support for the joining process to the Covenant of Mayors. It is also part of this project the preparation of

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Sustainability Report of the Municipality of Idanha-a-Nova

IPI is one more time the consultant chosen by the Municipality of Idanha-a-Nova to prepare its Sustainability Report. This new edition of Idanha-a-Nova’s Sustainability Report therefore continues the municipality’s decision to report its performance in a transparent and independent way. The methodology to be applied is based on the GRI – G4 (Global Reporting Initiative),

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Application of “Ville de Pézenas” to the UNESCO Creative Cities Network

IPI supports the “Ville de Pézenas”, a French municipality, in the preparation of its application for the UNESCO Creative Cities Network, in the field of “Crafts & Folk Art”. The UNESCO Creative Cities Network was created to promote the social, economic and cultural development of cities that seek to promote local creativity. This Network seeks

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Sustainable Development Strategy for Freixo de Espada à Cinta

IPI was the consultant chosen by the Municipality of Freixo de Espada à Cinta to build a Sustainable Development Strategy that, outlined to prepare the future, could guide a process aimed to strength the competitiveness of the Municipality, to improve the quality of life of people and to give more stability in the long term,

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Development of an Investment Capture Plan for Macedo de Cavaleiros

IPI was the consultant chosen by the Municipality of Macedo de Cavaleiros to develop an Investment Capture Plan, that allows the establishment of companies, the raise of employment and the fixation of population. It is a multidisciplinary work, involving very different valences and the articulation of a set of variables that, together, will allow the

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UNESCO Centre for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage – Beja

UNESCO Portuguese Commission, Municipality of Beja, Regional Directorate for Culture of Alentejo, National Cultural Centre, Aga Khan Foundation, Union of Musicians, Show and Audio-visual Professionals, Association of Alentejo Sing and the Gastronomic Brotherhood of Alentejo signed a Cooperation Protocol for the creation of the UNESCO CENTRE for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Beja.

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First Call UIA – Urban Innovative Actions

IPI is in the partnership, led by the Municipality of Setúbal and joining eight partners, including also Setúbal’s Polytechnic Institute (Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal) and Arrábida’s Energy and Environment Agency (Agência de Energia e Ambiente da Arrábida), that has submitted an application to the Sustainable Urban Development initiative launched by the European Commission. The application,

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Preparation of Municipal Profiles – Libolo and Seles (Kwanza Sul – Angola)

IPI is part of a consortium (lead by PRH Consultoria e Gestão) for the development of Municipal Profiles in Kwanza Sul (Angola), for the Municipalities of Libolo and Seles. The setup and development of the Municipal Dynamic Profiles is a task of great responsibility because it frames the characterization studies and multi-sectoral analysis for both

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E-reputation of the Boom Festival

IPI Consulting Network has concluded the project “E-reputation of the Boom Festival. Analysis and evaluation of its effect in the Municipality of Idanha-a-Nova”. The main objective of this study was the analysis of the e-reputation of Boom Festival and its effects in Idanha-a-Nova, in an era when the notoriety – vital part of a brand

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Beja Creative City

IPI, in collaboration with other consultancy, is developing a project for the Municipality of Beja that has as its main goal the organization and launch of socio-cultural dynamics for the international projection of the city of Beja.

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First Call POCTEP 2014-2020

The submission period for the First Call for Cooperation Programme INTERREG V A Spain-Portugal (POCTEP) 2014-2020 is now over. IPI has provided the technical support to three applications in the following areas: Cultural Economy and Tourism, Governance for Sustainability, and Geographic Information Systems. These applications involved several partnerships: municipalities, “diputaciones provinciales”, regional energy agencies, universities

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“Digital Marketing and Sales” training at Vale Paraíso Natur Park

It was concluded successfully, in the 13th, the training course on “Digital Marketing and Sales” held at Vale Paraíso Natur Park. This course had an extremely positive feedback from the trainees, who reported having their expectations met, as well as being motivated to apply the content learned to their professional practice. This training on “Digital

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Assessment of the economic impact of local thematic events

The IPI Consulting Network took part in the elaboration of the study “Economic Impact Assessment of Local Thematic Events in the Municipality of Idanha-a-Nova”. This study, now finalised, evaluated the economic impact resulting from the implementation of a number of small thematic events in the Municipality of Idanha-a-Nova, having been selected four events: Feira Raiana;

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Environmental Impact Study for the Reactivation of Moncorvo Iron Mines was declared “favourable”

At January 4, the Ministry of Economy has declared that the “favourable” Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) fulfils a precondition for examining the application for granting the concession for mining in Torre de Moncorvo, in Bragança district. This Environmental Impact Assessment had the participation of IPI Consulting Network, particularly in the socio-economic component.

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Idanha-a-Nova, City of Music, UNESCO

For over a year and a half, the IPI team joined with Idanha-a-Nova Municipality to prepare the application of Idanha-a-Nova as a member of UNESCO Creative Cities network in in the thematic area of Music. It’s with great satisfaction that we received the news that the Idanha-a-Nova’s application was accepted. Today, Idanha-a-Nova is one of

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Closing of the Project “Poupar Energia”

Estratégia de Diversificação e Eficiência Energética para PME The project “POUPAR ENERGIA – Estratégia de Diversificação e Eficiência Energética para PME” has closed. This project, helped a dozen of companies based in Nazaré to become more energetic efficient and, consequently, to reduce their costs. For about one year, we supported and followed up their processes

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